
Transport: How should be the temerature regulated in the bus station??

You have another idea about life or especially transport in the future? Write your idea in an own proposal! We are looking forward to discuss it...


  • Daria Belkina Team Krasnodar

    The idea of Busstations is good, it is necessary to think over some elements only: 1. comfort and convenience to those who waits for transport 2. safety on the busstation (homeless people can give an inconvenience and represent danger). But it is necessary for people in the future

  • Busstation was never a problem for me. a hate the temperate in the shopping malls. especially in summer. outside it is hot. inside it is so cold, that I don´t want to stay there for a longer time. i need warm temeratured shopping malls to be happy in the future.

  • Chris94 Moderator

    i hate it to freeze in the tram or in the busstation. especially in winter it is terrible. My idea: A house at the tramstation where the temperature is regulated

    • Artem Sobolev Team Krasnodar

      I think the transport currently runs fairly regularly and often, and for 5-15 minutes at the bus stop, you do not have time to freeze. On the other hand such a warm shelter in the winter can be a way out for the homeless :-)

      • Chris94 Moderator ist dafür

        I agree with you! It would be nice to have a warm shelter in winter, but it would be very expensive to heat the stations.

        • Artem Sobolev Team Krasnodar

          How, then, to maintain the temperature at tram stations in winter if they do not heat up?

          That's right, I dont understood correctly or disappoint you, that this idea is really to be expensive but convenient though :-)

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